What I like about being the homemaker
What I don't like
- knowing what stage different activities are at
- not running out of stuff, cause I maintain the shopping list when something is near to finishing
- walking in the park
- hanging up laundry
- picking ellie up after she wakes
- stacking the dishwasher my way
- having a bit of time to reflect and write
- planning the day, and mostly being able to achieve the plan
- shopping with ellie
- bathing ellie
- vaccuuming the living room
- not having to do much that I don't like
- cooking new things
What I don't like
- answering the stupid phone (mostly cause it's telemarketing)
- not much variation in the routine
- not having uninterrupted time for my own pursuits
- getting up in the middle of the night (doesn't happen often)
- screwups to my system (Ellie not going to sleep when I expect her too, not being told we're out of something, finding half done chores that I didn't start)
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