Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ellie has changed her style of typing on the laptop. She used to bang on the keys with her fists, now she moves her hands over the keyboard quite gently-- not even depressing the keys. Probably a better imitation of what she sees us doing.

She has a pink hat that she really likes. [pic] She'll put it on by herself, and even straighten it. It takes a few tries-- she still tries to put it on upside down sometimes, but this frustrates her and she screams at it-- so she knows it's wrong. She has her father's limited patience with misbehaving tools.

She's climbing to stand all the time now, at the coffee table or the sofa, or on the sofa back so that she can peek over. She tries to stand without help, but it doesn't work yet. She's getting stronger though-- she's begun cruising along the furniture, and she shifts her weight from foot to foot to dance along to the Wiggles.

J. and I are amazed at how she learns from the wiggles. She watches the dances, and imitates the movements. We knew she loved music, but we're surprised how quickly she learns the actions. They're rough of course, but they're there. She can watch them for hours-- she perches on the coffee table with the laptop (safely) in the middle, and does actions one hand at a time, holding on with the other. It's probably really helping to strengthen her legs, because she stands up for 20 minutes or a half hour at a time, if not longer. She'll sit down briefly, then be up again.

You can just tell she's longing to be walking. She so obviously wants to be like us-- she doesn't want to be dependent, she wants to feed herself, with the same sort of food that we're eating, she wants to be able to walk around, she wants to read the big people books.

A lot of stuff seems to be coming together for her right now, it's quite lovely to be a part of her growing up.

The other day, we were over at J's cousins, and her cousin fell asleep. Ellie thought this was very funny-- she pointed, did the sleep action (she'd learned from the Wiggles' "Rock-a-bye your bear"), and laughed.


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