Things I do with Ellie
Other things I do
With jo
- Outside
- go shopping
- walk in the park
- play on the swings
- play in the sandbox
- go to the library
- go to early intervention
- Inside
- books
- ball
- blocks
- play music
- listen to music
- bounce/climb
- sort laundry
- draw
- paint
- rocking horse
- push tricycle
- puppets
Other things I do
- play games
- laundry
- dishes
- sweeping
- tidy
- organise
- veg
- computer (lots of stuff)
- watch videos
- write
- program
- read/surf
- photos
- music
- read
- cook
With jo
- chat
- go for coffee
- watch movies
- go out for dinner/show
- play games
- go away
- pool and water play (other side of the sandbox) (is this different from the bath?)
- painting
- drawing
- bubbles
- outside play (on grass-- but the sun is wicked, and she sticks everything in her mouth)
- zoo
- other outings? visiting friends?
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