Today I posted a bunch of entries which had been sitting on my computer since July, waiting for "some spare time". Yesterday I realised that I'm never going to get any spare time-- for blogging, for programming, for learning keyboards, for taking photos, for writing emails to friends; the time I have right now is the time I've got, so I just have to make better use of it. That's ok. So today cleaning the kitchen will wait for a few hours, and right now my daughter is happily finishing her lunch while I type this.
The dream of a bit of time to myself is a good one to give up; I can decide to get up early and spend the first hour before she really wakes up doing something more useful that sleeping; I've been staying up late to have some time, but by then, I have no energy so just end up browsing stories from, which is about as useful as watching TV, and leaves me frustrated (I'm adding too many things to the To Read list).
And having given up the dream, I can ask Granny if she'd like to look after Ellie for a morning now and then, and get a few concentrated hours. Granny and Ellie would both like that-- I've been putting it off because I want to seem competent. Silly.
She's throwing her nice apple bits on to the floor, so I think she's finished. Time's up!
(of course I let her yell at me a little bit while I touched this up. )
The dream of a bit of time to myself is a good one to give up; I can decide to get up early and spend the first hour before she really wakes up doing something more useful that sleeping; I've been staying up late to have some time, but by then, I have no energy so just end up browsing stories from, which is about as useful as watching TV, and leaves me frustrated (I'm adding too many things to the To Read list).
And having given up the dream, I can ask Granny if she'd like to look after Ellie for a morning now and then, and get a few concentrated hours. Granny and Ellie would both like that-- I've been putting it off because I want to seem competent. Silly.
She's throwing her nice apple bits on to the floor, so I think she's finished. Time's up!
(of course I let her yell at me a little bit while I touched this up. )
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